We ARE Blessed!

Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Romans 4.7

I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy being blessed by God. This verse simply reinforces a truth that we already know. God chooses to bless those who are His children. When we realize how our sins came to be covered, it is a sobering reality that brings us face to face with the cross. In the Old Testament when the high priest offered a sacrifice for the sins of the people once a year, that sacrifice simply pushed the sins forward for one year. This went on for many years, until we come to the New Testament and the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. When Jesus cried, “It is finished” in John 19.30, He was declaring that the sins that had been pushed forward for all those years had been covered. And, the sins yet future that you and I would commit were also covered. That is how we can be blessed by God as His children.

When I think about the great price that was required to be paid for sins to be covered, I am reminded of the heinous nature of sin and how it must break the heart of God every time I sin as His child. Since I am responsible for my actions each day, I am responsible to put my words and my actions in the hands of God’s Holy Spirit so that He can guide my thoughts, control my words, and direct my actions. Would you consider asking God today to help you with this matter of daily surrender? That is something that I must deal with every day. I suspect that you do to. As a matter of note, this is what the world is looking at when they see us – does God really make any difference in our lives? After all, we are saying to them, “My sins are covered.” Let’s live like it! Just my thoughts …

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