Truth Is He IS a God of Mercy

“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” Psalm 52.8

In our Christian culture today, we have a few phrases that we use to tell others that everything is OK between us and Him. I’m thinking of a couple as I wrote this: “God is good – all the time.” “God’s Got this.” I say these things and will continue to say them. But here is my fear – for myself and for others – that we will find ourselves  uttering them with a flippant spirit.
In reading the words above from the pen of the psalmist, I am deeply impressed by his level of commitment to God. Looking forward to v. 9 we are taken even deeper: “I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints.” Let’s take a closer look at what he has written. “ I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” And then: “I will praise thee for ever”.
What does it look like to trust in the mercy of God? That is not saying to God “I need a lot of mercy because I am going to be doing some pretty bad things.” It is an acknowledge that we realize there will be dips in the road, unplanned detours and we my not handle them well but is always there to grant the much needed mercy. When he says “I will praise thee forever”, that is a SUPERNATURAL acknowledgement of this God of mercy. However you and I see God, He is a God if mercy and He is ALWAYS worthy of our praise. If we are not doing that now, let’s begin today. Just My Thoughts …

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