THE Unspeakable Gift!

“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9.15

How do you describe Jesus to someone who has never heard of Him. He IS the unspeakable gift. Imagine a conversation like the following. You sit down in a restaurant on a bar stool and you strike up a conversation with the man sitting next to you. You say to him, “Tell me what you know about a man named Jesus.” And he says, “I never heard of him. Tell me about him.” And so you begin with, “He was born of a virgin …” and the guy stops you in mid sentence. “That’s impossible.” You say, “That’s not all. When he was 33 years old he was crucified on a Roman cross, but three days later he arose from the grave.” The guy looks at you and shakes his head. “You think I am going to believe that? You’re nuts.” He gets up and starts to walk away and you shout to him, “But wait. There’s more. When He died on the cross, he did so to pay for your sins and mine. Jesus is the Son of God!”  The man stops in his tracks and turns around and sits back down. “I don’t believe that. No one ever loved me that much.”
Do you see the difficulty in attempting to tell about this “unspeakable gift”? How do you tell one who is unsaved about “the power of prayer”? It’s like trying to tell someone how good a cherry pie tastes when you are the only one who has tasted it. Our daily responsibility is to give thanks to God “for His unspeakable gift” and that gift is His Son, Jesus Christ. As we draw near to Thanksgiving Day, would it not be a worthwhile effort on our part to especially give thanks to God for all that He has done for us through the person of His Son? I certainly believe it would be. Just my thoughts …

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